The summer school will be held at Hotel Faaborg Fjord which is located in the southern part of Funen.
A bus has been arranged to take attendees from DTU and the Copenhagen Central Station to the conference venue on Monday and back again on Friday.
The bus will depart from DTU at Richard Petersens Plads, building 324 at 8:00 a.m. and approximately 8:45 a.m. at the car park near the Copenhagen Central Station, see picture below. We should arrive at Faaborg at 12:00 a.m.
hovedbanegÄrden-kortWe will depart from Faaborg at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, August 14, an arrive at the Copenhagen Central Station at approximately 16:00 and at DTU at approximately 16:45.
Food & Drinks
All meals are included. Attendees will have to pay for drinks/beverages.
Remember to Bring
A laptop is necessary for performing the exercises.
Wednesday of the summer school will include an outdoor social event, so bring appropriate clothes.